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Member Lists


Image of Admin Menu in state chapter group

Member lists are located within the state chapter member portal group and available to the Admins of the state chapter group. Admins are able to access "Available Reports" in the admin drop-down menu. 

1) Sign in to your member account if you are an admin, if you are not, email us to be added.

2) Select Groups

3) Select State Chapter

4) Select Admin and Available Reports

Here is a visual tutorial that will walk you through where to find and view the list.

Please note that the download of the list is a pop-up. You will need to have any pop-up blocker disabled in order to download the list.


Each chapter has access to (at least) six different reports. Reports are live, new information is updated every eight hours.

Active and Expired Master List:
 All individuals and businesses who are or have ever been a member of your chapter. This includes EXPIRED members. You can sort by Membership Expire Date and Membership Subaccount Expire Date to view who is expired or active and when they expire(d). This gives you contact information for expired members.

Please note that there are two columns for expiration dates

Active Business Member List: All active business members.

Active Individual Member List: All active members in your chapter. This list also includes business individuals. This is the list to reference for member status and to use for communications with your active members.

Expiring this MONTH: List of all business and individual members whose memberships are expiring in the coming month.

Joined last MONTH: List of all new businesses and individual members who joined in the last month.

If your chapter would like additional information or uses a different template please contact us at and we can set up a list that meets your needs.

Lingo Translations:

  • Member/Non-Member - Website ID: This is the APSE Member number
  • Member/Non-Member - Date Subaccount Membership Effectively Expires: This is the expiration date of the individuals listed under a business membership and chapter complimentary members.
  • Custom Field Data - Introductory Membership Code: If a code is displayed in this field it means this member was recruited at a chapter event.
  • Member/Non-Member - Date Registered: This is the date that the individual joined APSE.

Member List data appears in real-time. The system updates these approximately every 8 hours.

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