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Accessing Admin Features (including member lists)


   Any chapter board member can be an administrator for their chapter. Contact us to add new admins.

You must be logged into your personal/individual account or the state chapter account to access the admin features. 

Here is a visual tutorial that will walk you through where to find the admin features

Email us at to be added as an admin.

 Select Groups

Group Admins are listed on your State Chapter Group listing

Select Group to access Admin Drop Down

Select the Admin Drop Down 

Homepage Options

Manage the homepage options here. Turn on and off the different feature options. Add a welcome message to be displayed

Homepage Layout

Change the look of the Homepage site

Custom Pages

Create new web pages linked to the homepage. This feature is great for chapters that do not have a separate website.

File Library

Upload and manage files you would like to share with all members

Manage Events

Add chapter events to be displayed in your chapter group for members to see!

Here is a visual tutorial on how to add an event to your chapter group

DO NOT enable online registration. Please include a link to your registration page in the Description.

Would you like your event added to the main APSE Events Calendar? Contact us at after you have created the event with the exact name of your event to request it be added to the main calendar.

View All Photos

Upload and Approve Photos

Default Setting is that an admin must approve a photo before it is added to the Photo Gallery
If you do not wish to manage or display the Photo Gallery, this can be turned off in the Homepage Options.

Manage Photo Albums

Create and Manage Photo Albums

Available Reports

Member Lists - See article Member Lists for more information

Features not detailed here are not currently in use.

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us